Quiz on Prepositions
Instructions: For each question, choose the single best answer. Make your choice by clicking on its button. You can change your answers at any time.

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1. 1. The paths up _____the fields in the valleys are often shaded with oak trees to keep the afternoon sun off the workers toiling up

the steep slopes after the day's work.
a. in
b. from
c. at

2. They called the drummers to scare the spirit of illness _____ his body.
a. from
b. on
c. at
3. Tuburi set up the loom____ a new one to be decorated with a flower pattern border.
a. on
b. in
c. for
4. Instead, she would try once again, and harder, to eavesdrop ___ the conversation.
a. with
b. on
c. from
5. Often, he invited his poor friend to his house, and whenever Shing visited him, Nik Mahajon never let him go _________ empty-handed,

but always gave him something useful to carry back home.
a. away
b. in
c. at

6. But the laburnum bush will not or cannot reveal readily who or what lies________ its drooping branches during its annual show of yellow splendour.
a. from
b. at
c. beneath
7. The headstones_____the old cemetery bear mute testimony to duties performed by willing and unwilling offspring and relatives.
a. in
b. in
c. from
8. He was quietly humming a tuneless song, the reason for the suppressed giggles coming________the adjacent shed where his daughter and

niece were husking paddy.
a. from
b. with
c. to

9. For the last five seasons, the hunter called Imchanok had been______ this particularly vicious boar which had been devastating the rice paddies

of the village and in his field; the animal chose to feast in the areas where he had planted the best variety of rice.
a. to
b. for
c. after

10. There are many tanks________ the Deopani and Dihong rivers as big as six acres in area.
a. about
b. to
c. on

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